The Ultimate Cost-Effective Auction Software Web Tool To Build And Maintain Online Auction System On Your Web Site Instantly. Participate Now In E-Commerce! Avoid High Costs & Complexity! Take Control of Your Online Auction Site! Make Changes At Will! Turn Your Website Into C2C Auction World!
Software To Create An Auction Community On Your Own Web Site
Worldwide e-commerce is expected to grow from US$170 billion in 1999 to over US$3 trillion in 20031. The realization of this opportunity has led many of the world's most strategically-minded companies to explore the immense potential of e-commerce. Forward-looking companies, both large and small, preparing to meet the heightened competition of an increasingly globalized economy need to enhance existing business practices by boosting their online efficiency. Consumer-To-Consumer Forward Auction Creator creates a vibrant environment for suppliers and corporate purchasers to embrace the new and efficient way of Internet business.
Easy to maintain the auction system from web browser User Friendly auction interface for buyer & sellers Fast auction system setup without messy programming Efficient way of selling services & surplus products Hosted on your own website
1 E-commerce revenue projections from Forrester Research
The Web Tool For Internet Business Success
Consumer-To-Consumer Forward Auction Creator is a web-based auction system and e-commerce tool that will allow website owners or Internet entrepreneurs to build a Consumer-To-Consumer (C2C) forward auction community site for sellers and buyers to conduct trading activities directly over their web browsers. Only registered members will be allowed to buy and sell in this C2C auction system.
Registered users can post their products or used items for sales on the C2C Auction system and set the minimum bid price. They also determine the closing date for the last bid. This service is free (or can be customized to be fee-based) for sellers posting auctions. Auction Administrator charges could a small commission on the winning bid to be paid by the eventual buyer of the goods posted. This service benefits buyers who will be able to find the best price for products sought. It also ensures that sellers have an additional venue where they can sell their products or used items at the best rates.
To maintain the credibility of our service, buyers and sellers can 'rate' each other on the price, quality of products, and good conduct during the auction. Feedback forms allow participants to evaluate the quality and viability of the auction. With these rates as references, participants can also check on the past trading history of sellers and buyers, encouraging a better sense of fair play and good business practices in the entire transaction. The built-in rating system intends to foster a solid trading community.
Program Features:
Automatically sends emails after registration, bids, auctions are closed (to winner and seller). Currently supports the following email components (with auto-detect feature): ASPEmail ASPEmail (HTML) ASPMail CDONTS CDONTS (HTML) Dynu Email Dynu Email (HTML) OCXMail Simple Mail W3 Jmail v3.7 W3 Jmail v4.1 W3 Jmail v4.1 (HTML) VSMail 1.x
PayPal integration! Processes and validates payments from sellers in real time using PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) (Requires .NET Framework)